Unique Way To Make Your Wedding Memorable

Here are a few unique ideas to make your wedding functions unforgettable!

"Shoot Fun Videos"

This is now becoming a trend for modern Indian weddings. After all, what is an Indian bride if not cool enough? You can think of recording your fun and goofy moments or some random candid scenarios to make it more authentic and interesting. This also adds a major scope to your candid shots.

"Experiment With Your Wedding Cuisine"

One of the ways to make your guests remember your wedding is to add a new and unique food item to your list. We Indians love food and adding a new cuisine to your traditional buffet will make it more interesting than ever!

"Include Fireworks"

Fireworks have been a big hit in the wedding industry. You can choose fireworks as per your requirements or even choose colour bombs for your jaimala or other ceremonies, that will boost up big- time moments of garland exchange.

Play Fun Games

If nothing else, you can always add some fun games to play with your partner, friends or relatives at your wedding. Apart from fun traditional rituals, adding new concepts will add multiple memories that everyone will remember.

"Play Fun Games"

If nothing else, you can always add some fun games to play with your partner, friends or relatives at your wedding. Apart from fun traditional rituals, adding new concepts will add multiple memories that everyone will remember.

"Photo Booth"

We all know, weddings are places to get good food and good pictures. If you’re looking to add a unique element, you can try adding offbeat photo booth ideas to your venue for pictures that will remember your ceremony for life.