Planning the Perfect Birthday Party

Planning the Perfect Birthday Party

The time has come — you’re planning a birthday party! Although the whole planning process is exciting and fun, it can get overwhelming at times. Especially if you don’t know how to start planning a party from scratch.
When do I start? What to focus on? What should we have to eat? How can I make sure that the party is fun? We know these questions have popped into your mind more than once, haven’t they?
We’ve prepared a guide that will help you plan this birthday party like a pro. Don’t worry – any questions that might crop up during the planning process will be answered here!

Now, let’s talk about money. How much would you like to spend on organising everything? Divide the preferred amount between such elements as venue rental, catering, beverages, entertainment, decorations, and birthday cake, along with any other party elements you’d like to have.
Remember, don’t rush the process! Consider which option will work best for your budget. Is it organising a party at home and preparing the food on your own, hiring a caterer or renting out a bar or a restaurant that will handle all the preparations for you?
You’ve got tons of options. It’s a good idea to create a spreadsheet (or write your calculations down) to compare which option will fit your price range best.
Creating a budget is important to your enjoyment of the birthday planning process and picking solutions that won’t break the bank. Make sure it’s one of the first steps you take and you’ll be nothing but happy and satisfied with theresults.

Are you inviting all your child’s classmates or will they be happier among six to ten of their closest friends? By creating a guest list early on, you can get an idea of where to host the do, how much it will cost and whether or not you will be catering for adults as well. You can also plan activities and games accordingly
We live in the era of the e-vite, so save some pennies by designing a cute paperless invitation or alternately you can create and print your own unique design.

Renting a venue for a birthday party is a great way to spoil yourself and have the celebration you’ve always wanted. Whether it’s something simple like booking a trendy bar or going all out with an extravagant ballroom, a hired venue will take your event up a notch.

Apart from that, hosting a birthday party at a venue will give you the chance to fully commit to spending quality time with your guests. Going back and forth to the kitchen to bring more food? Worried about the cleanup after the party? Are you taking care of everything on your own? Why not skip all of that and have a well-deserved celebration that you can enjoy!

Hiring an event space is not as difficult as it seems. Especially when you’ve made up your mind on the budget, date, guest number, guest list, theme, and party style. Deciding on these key elements should already give you an idea of whether a restaurant, bar, gallery, or warehouse will work best for your event.
When browsing for venues, you should also pay attention to their location. Your first choice option should be easy to reach via public transportation and car. Trust us, the longer it will take for the guests to get to the party, the more it can impact their mood. So make sure it is right on!

Bonus tip: Pick at least 3 venues that have caught your attention and compare them based on what they offer. Talk to the venue managers, and don’t hesitate to ask for an individual offer. That way, you’ll be able to choose the best space that fits your requirements.

You can pick viral themes that everyone will love, such as Cowgirl/Cowboy, Jungle, Glitz & Glam, Disco, or Rockstar, or build one that is about you and your hobbies. Maybe you’re into crafting or love Marvel or Game of Thrones? Use it to your advantage and come up with something that will remind everyone that it’s your birthday.
Having an established theme will help you pick an ideal venue and other party elements, such as food and decorations. You’ll be able to make the event coherent, hence easy to remember.
At this point, you should also consider what sort of party style will complement your theme. For example, if you’re considering a birthday brunch or dinner, why not ask your guests to dress up as celebrities?
The most important thing is that you have the time of your life with your favourite crowd.

Of course, you need to have a cake! It’s a tradition that most guests expect at a birthday party. And let’s be honest: who doesn’t cherish blowing out the candles and making a wish while everyone is singing Happy Birthday to you?

You can try making your own cake to personalise it with whatever colours or images you want. Or you can order it at your favourite bakery and ask them to tailor it to your personal taste. And in case you’re not a fan of birthday cake, consider serving cupcakes, your favourite pie, or a tart instead.

Or how about leaving everything to professionals and letting them take the plunge? You’ll be surprised how easy it is to be the decision-maker and not worry about coming up with food and drink ideas.

Now, let’s skip to the fun part: the birthday party entertainment! If you want your party to stand out, you need to offer some sort of activities that will keep the guests engaged from start to finish.
You can even take it up a notch and hire a professional entertainer, a DJ, a band, or a mixologist.

And what would you say about hiring a professional photographer? They can capture all of those special moments that may happen during the celebration. And you won’t have to worry about missing any important details or having bad-quality cell phone photos from someone who didn’t know how to use their camera properly!
To add some more fun, why not create a picture-perfect spot with disposable cameras, props, and decorations that will help everyone channel their creative spirits!
But these are only a few of the vast array of entertainment options at your fingertips. You can really show off your creativity and keep your guests happy with activities that will keep the party mood light.
Bonus tip:Don’t forget to bring to the table some fun drinking games as they are perfect ice-breakers and can really add some kick to the atmosphere!

Whether you’re planning a backyard barbecue or an elegant dinner party, food is always going to be at the heart of any celebration. After all, neither you nor your guests want to starve! Think about serving something that is both appropriate for the occasion and matches the theme and style of the party.
For cocktail parties, stick with finger foods that can be easily consumed while standing up or sitting down. For a sit-down dinner, you may consider a full course menu or a buffet. Each option has its pros and cons, so take time to decide which will work best for your party.

Perhaps your guests aren’t afraid to taste the unknown and would love a chance to eat something extravagant or unexpected? Or how about asking everyone to bring food platters with their favourite snacks, sweets, and finger foods? This idea is perfect for home parties, as well as parties held in Ours
What we mean is, don’t be afraid to get creative and make exciting choices for your birthday party. After all, the more unique (but still delicious!) options you serve, the higher the chance that the party will be successful!

For a successful birthday party, we’d recommend avoiding fizzy drinks. Many parents don’t relish the thought of their children chugging back sugary pop, so opt for something less controversial.
Why not tailor the beverages to your party and theme?

A going home gift is all part of the birthday magic and is pretty simple to put together. Yes, you can buy little plastic bags and fill them with sweets and plastic toys, but if you have the time (and patience) you could also get crafty and make your own.
Cake pops, homemade cookies or a slice of birthday cake are good party bag fillers. While creating individual name tags for each child is a really sweet way of thanking them for being there. If you’re holding a party for a small group, you can decorate paper bags (and get the birthday girl or boy to help) so that the going home gift is really personal.
If all else fails, head down to your local supermarket to stock up on stickers, writing books and coloured pencils to create a non-sugar filled and useful treat.

Organising a successful birthday party is all in the planning, so we’ve put together a timeline for you to keep track of all that needs to be done.
 Book an entertainer, bouncy castle or ball pit
 Hire a venue
 Start thinking about the guest list
 Send out invites
 Start buying decorations, party bag fillers, prizes for games
 Find and book someone to bake a beautiful cake
 Plan out the menu
 Confirm entertainer, bakery and venue
 If holding an outdoor party, come up with a backup plan in case of bad weather
 Buy all the food and drinks
 If hosting the party at home, start getting the house ready (clean and make sure it’s childproof)
 Make sure you have help from friends and family
 Prepare the party bags
 Plan a rough outline of party activities
 Decorate
 If holding an outdoor party, keep your fingers crossed for good weather and make sure your backup plan is ready
 Layout the food
 Welcome your guests and get partying!